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Showing posts from September, 2018

How to Create Database in SQL Server

This article demonstrates how to Create Database in SQL server This steps is based on  SQL Server 2017 Express Edition (2008 edition is almost same )  Open Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio   Connect to Server (Login with id and password)    Right click over Databases Folder in Object Explorer Window     Select New Database... Then Open a New Database Window Then Enter a Name For  Database Then click OK then we can see our new data base under Databases folder in Object Explorer. See Our YouTube Video And Subscribe Our Channel For More Details 

How to Customize WPF Button ?

This article demonstrates how to customize a Button control in WPF - C# Application. 1. Add a Button Control  Add Button Control in WPF Application from Toolbox .  then we can see the button in Design Pane with default template and in XAML Pane we can see the the XAML Code for ebow button. < Button Content ="Button" HorizontalAlignment ="Left"  VerticalAlignment ="Top" Width ="75" Margin ="21,33,0,0"/> 2.Add Image in Button  Add an Image in our project ( How to Add Image in WPF C# Application ? ) in these section we set an image and a label control as buttons content.  use the XAML code as shown below         < Button  HorizontalAlignment ="Left"  VerticalAlignment ="Top" Width ="100" Height ="28"  Margin ="21,57,0,0">             < Button.Content >                     < Grid >                         < Grid.ColumnDefin

How to add an icon to a WPF application

In this article we discus about how to add an icon for entire WPF application. Create an Icon File (*.ico) Add the icon file to our project. ( How to Add Image in WPF C# Application ) Open Solution Explorer , Select our Project --> Right Click --> Select Properties From Popup Menu Then We can See Project Properties And We Can set the icon in the Application tab. click Start Without Debugging on the DEBUG menu or run it externally the icon will show correctly. When running our application in debug mode from  Visual Studio, the icon will not be shown.

How to Add Image in WPF C# Application ?

WPF Provides an integrated system for building user interfaces with common media elements like images, audio, and video.In These article we discus about how to add image in WPF Application. First Create A WPF Application ( How to Create a WPF application in Visual Studio with C#? ) Open Solution Explorer , it is a tool window in the Visual Studio integrated development environment (IDE) that displays the contents of a solution, which includes the solution's projects and each project's items. If Solution Explorer is not already visible, click Solution Explorer on the View menu How to Create a folder in Visual Studio Project  Select Our Project from Solution Explorer window Then Right Click Then popup a menu then choose Add --> New Folder from that menu. Then a Folder Generated , Rename that as Images  Select and Right click over our new folder Images , then Popup a menu  Choose Add --> Existing Item... Then We Will See A File Browsing W

How to Create a WPF application in Visual Studio with C#?

This article shows you how to develop a simple WPF application with step by step explanation. Creating a WPF application is as easy as developing other application types in Visual Studio. This steps is based on Visual Studio 2012 Edition. 1. Create a new project To create Choose New Project...   From Start Page  or On the menu bar, choose File --> New --> Project...  or can also use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + N . Then the dialog box will be shown as below In this window, for our sample application, we are choosing the following: Visual C# as Language of template from Templates. then Windows from Template group WPF Application as Template we can change the solution name ,project Name and location for where this will be stored. Then click on the OK button. Now, the WPF Designer shows design and XAML view of MainWindow.xaml in split view. We can slide the splitter to show more or less of either view  and choose to see only  Design

What is SQL?

SQL stands for Structured Query Language. SQL is used to communicate with a database. According to American National Standards Institute (ANSI), it is the standard language for relational database management systems. SQL statements are used to define and manipulate data on a database.  Some common relational database management systems that use SQL are: Oracle, Microsoft SQL Server, Access, etc.

What is Windows Presentation Foundation ? - What is WPF ?

WPF stands for Windows Presentation Foundation. It is a best framework for building Windows applications. WPF Features WPF supports many great features like : Allows to display more complex graphics and custom themes. Supports multi-touch input. We can define the look of an element directly with a Template. Provides an integrated system for building user interfaces with common media elements like images, audio, and video. Data binding Mechanism to display and interact with data between UI elements and data object. Allows to define a control inside another control as a content.

What is C# ?

C# is pronounced as "C-Sharp". It is an object-oriented programming language provided by Microsoft that runs on .Net Framework. We can develop different types of Window and Web applications by the help of C# programming language. C# is designed for CLI (Common Language Infrastructure). CLI is a specification that describes executable code and runtime environment. C# is approved as a standard by ECMA and ISO.

What is Class and Object in C#

A class is like a blueprint of specific object. In the real world, every object has some kinds of data and functionalities. For example, the iPhone . iPhone is an object of the Smartphone type. The Smartphone is a class that specify certain characteristic like  Display size,Color ,Weight, Thickness etc. So any company that makes a Smartphone that meet those requirements is an object of the Smartphone type. For example, every single Smartphone of Apple, Samsung, BlackBerry are an object of the class called 'Smartphone'. Here, 'Smartphone' is a class and every single physical Smartphone is an object of the Smartphone class. Likewise, in object oriented programming, a class defines certain properties, fields, events, method etc. A class defines the kinds of data and the functionality their objects will have. A class enables you to create your own custom types by grouping together variables of other types, methods and events. In C#, a class can be defined by using t

What are the features of Object Oriented Programming features ? OOP features

Object Oriented Programming (OOP) has the following important features. Class     A Class is a blueprint (plan or template) of an object that contains variables for storing data and functions to perform operations on the data. Object     Object is an instance of a class and basic run-time entities of an object oriented system. They may represent a person, a place or any item that the program must handle. Abstraction     Abstraction is "To represent the essential feature without representing the background details." Abstraction is the process of hiding the working style of an object, and showing the information of an object in an understandable manner. Encapsulation     Wrapping up a data member and a method together into a single unit (class) is called Encapsulation. Encapsulation means hiding the internal details of an object, in other words how an object does something. Encapsulation is a technique used to protect the information in an object